
The DRIVE Arizona project aims to build on the successful ADOT-MAG-Verizon Pilot to determine the viability of cellular technology to increase safety for the local community.

How do we measure safety performance for AVs? IAM is leading the advancement of metrics that meet the needs of both ADS developers and transportation communities across regions and cultures.

Imagine using statewide transportation camera networks to warn vehicles of upcoming traffic incidents, improve safety for emergency responders and shorten time spent stopped at traffic signals. IAM is exploring methodology for just that.

Through human behavior analysis, IAM is empirically deriving values for its safety metrics initiative. This project will help the private and public sectors come to a common understanding of what it means for an AV to drive safely.

IAM members are developing a 5G-integrated RSU, leveraging artificial intelligence to enhance safety.

The team will develop a methodology to explore the impact of dual perception systems redundancy, offering the potential to independently "vision test" automated vehicles.

This project aims to use safety assessment data to reconstruct traffic incidents for more accurate and efficient reporting.