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Members & Partners

IAM consists of technology-neutral physical infrastructure and a living lab offering sensor data for conducting complex research and testing scenarios. Participating in IAM means driving innovation forward with access to directed and open research, test networks and collaborative partners.

Membership Benefits

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Open research data
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Access to world-class, interdisciplinary researchers
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Industry-led research and development collaboration tied to targeted outcomes
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Collaboration with government entities at the state, regional and local level to scale projects

Membership Levels


Affiliate members have access to IAM events, reports and commissioned research.

Government and Non-Profit

Members at this level include all the privileges of an Affiliate Member, in addition to access to open research, collaboration in developing ADS safety best practices, and the IAM test network.


In addition to Affiliate Member benefits, membership at this level includes access to open research, collaboration in developing ADS safety best practices, and the IAM test network.


Leadership members participate in the Leadership Advisory Board and Technical Leadership team, along with the privileges of the Standard Membership.